Help Save Intercountry Adoption

On Thursday, February 1, 2018, the U.S. Department of State notified adoption service providers (agencies like WACAP, MAA, BAAS, CHI, Lifeline, etc.), that there would be a substantial fee increase to the agencies in order to maintain their accreditation, which is required in order to provide intercountry adoption services. This fee increase is immense and would have to be largely shouldered by families who pursue international adoption. The National Council for Adoption (NCFA) released a memo today explaining the urgency of the situation and asking for our help.

“These new policies being implemented by the State Department will further reduce the viable option of adoption as families are financially unable to afford the growing costs of adopting internationally and non-profit adoption agencies that serve them close their doors. Johnson concludes, ‘Vulnerable children and the loving American families that want to adopt them are counting on us to prevent this from happening.’”

You can read NCFA’s full memo here.

Although much division can be seen in our country on a wide array of issues, the waiting children around the world are desperate for us to unite around this issue. Even if they do not yet know it.

How You Can Help

  • Like the WACAP FB page and the National Council for Adoption FB page to stay current on any upcoming announcements. 
  • Share this post and let your friends, family, and coworkers know how important this is! Regardless of your “side of the aisle,” we all care about kids who need families.
  • Participate in the Advocacy All Call Days on February 7-8. Contact BOTH of your senators AND your state representative. You can find their contact information HERE. Tell each Congressional Office, in your own words, about the Department of State’s new accreditation fee increases at a time when intercountry adoption is already very expensive and difficult.

                    Would ______[Your Member of Congress]______ please work with (choose from below)

For your House Representative: the House Foreign Affairs Committee
For your Senators: the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

                  …to hold oversight hearings about the Department of State’s substantial fee increases and assess the impact these new policies will have on the future of intercountry adoption, vulnerable children, and the U.S. families that want to adopt them?

Tips: When you call, ask to speak with the staff who handles international adoption issues. If they are going to transfer you to voice mail, ask for an email address before they put you into voice mail. After you talk, follow-up with a “thank you” email that includes information that you want your representative to know, and includes your contact information.

For more information, you can visit the NCFA website.

Thank you for your help! As always, we will continue to advocate as long as there are children waiting!