Special Needs Highlight – Hemophilia

When we first ventured into the adoption world in 2013, we had a list of needs we checked off as being “able to handle.” We were matched quickly with a toddler boy with a repaired heart condition. I often look at him now and think, “Wow, your medical needs are so easy.” We take him…

Living with Epilepsy

Long ago when we started our adoption process we started that dreaded check list of needs we thought we could handle. As we went down the needs we started getting braver, after all how could we say no to any child?! But only one need really made me stop quick and had me turning circles in my…

Special Needs Highlight: Deafness

What is your child’s special need? Our daughter, Gigi, is profoundly Deaf. She doesn’t hear anything. When her brain was tested for its response to sound, the Audiologist told us that they maxed out the equipment. Gigi would feel the vibrations, but wouldn’t hear the noise, if a jet engine took off right next to…

Special Needs Highlight: Cleft Lip/Palate

Today’s special needs highlight is brought to you in honor of July being Cleft lip/palate awareness month.  Our goal with special needs highlights are to provide a fact based look at what parenting a child with a specific special need is like.  Are you considering a child with a cleft lip/palate diagnosis?  Angie Harvey is…

A Special Needs Highlight: Limb Differences

April is Limb Loss Awareness Month.  Children with limb differences are often available for adoption from China.  Occasionally, children with a visible need can be overlooked as they wait to find their family because potential families are afraid of not only how the rest of the world will view the child, but also how they…